Zur Definition von Geomatik
[Voser 2007 - Appendix J3-5]
Geomatik ist eine moderne Disziplin im Umfeld von Wissenschaft, Ingenieurswesen, Technologie und Anwendung,
welche raumbezogene Informationen (Geoinformation) auf systematisierter Basis erfasst, verwaltet, analysiert,
präsentiert und nutzbar macht unter Methoden und Werkzeugen von Informationstechnologie und Kommunikation.
Es umfasst im Kern die Disziplinen Informationstechnologie, Vermessung und Geodäsie, Kartografie, Geografische
Informationssysteme (GIS), Fotogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, GPS, und findet Einzug in alle
Geowissenschaften wie z.B. Raumplanung, Geologie und Geophysik, Umweltmanagement. Dabei wird eine
interoperable Geodateninfrastruktur (GDI) aufgebaut, welche auch in die Entscheidungsfindung von Politik,
Verwaltung und Wirtschaft einfließt:
Das strategische Ziel ist die verbreitete Nutzbarmachung von Geoinformation in der Geodateninfrastruktur.
Die obige Definition basiert v.a. auf den nachfolgenden Definitionen, die Internet-
Recherchen ergeben haben:
- "Geomatics is the science and technology dealing with the character and structure of spatial information, its
methods of capture, organization, classification, qualification, analysis, management, display and
dissemination, as well as the infrastructure necessary for the optimal use of this information". [unknown, found
at „FGB v3n1“];
Es gibt als Ergänzung zu (1) eine weitere Liste von Definitionen:
- "The Geomatics Industry provides and manages the spatial information requirements for the management of
the natural and man-
made environment and of the objects related to it." (Alastair MacDonald of the Survey
and Mapping Alliance in Southhampton, U.K.)
- "Geomatics (or Geoinformatics) is the scientific and technical discipline aimed at solving real-
world problems
by geoinformation, ie., information that can be related to a specific position on earth. A Geomatic System (or
Geoinformatic System) is a concrete informatic system where Geomatics, and other pertinent disciplines, have
guided its design and implementation and for which geoinformation is critical." (Michaël-
Charles Le Duc of the Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University in Sweden)
- "Geomatics is defined as the discipline having the purpose of the management of spatially referenced data by
the integration of the sciences and technologies related to their acquisition, their storage, their processing
and their distribution. Note: Geomatics includes principally the following disciplines: mathematics, physics,
computer science, cartography, geodesy, photogrammetry and remote sensing." (Yves-
L. Hudon from the Quebec Ministry of Communications)
- "Geomatics is a field of scientific and technical activities which, using a systemic approach, integrates change
as to all means used to acquire and manage spatially referenced data used in the process of producing and
managing spatially-
related information." [Ref: Geomatics: An Integrated, systemic approach to meet the needs
for spatial information; Gagnon, Pierre and David J. Coleman. CISM Journal ACSGC, Vol. 44, No. 4, Winter 1990,
pp. 383-
389.] This is the definition used by the University of Laval. It was also suggested by Pierre Gagnon,
University of Laval.
- "Geomatics is the field of activities of science and engineering which requires the application of information
technologies and communications to the collection storage, analysis, presentation, distribution and the
management of spatially referenced information for helping in decision making." [Ref: GIAC/CISM, 1990.
Proposal to undertake a study on human resource planning for the Geomatics industry in Canada.]
- "Geomatics is the field of activities which integrates (according to a systemic approach), the means of
acquisition and of the management of land based data." [Ref: Beaulieu, D., Y. Bédard, L. Bhérer, M Boulanger,
G. Boutin and F. Dutil, 1990. Geomatics guide. Geomatics for municipal services and the MRC. Ordre des
arpenteurs- géomètres du Quebec, p. 80.]
- "Geomatics is the science and technology dealing with the character and structure of spatial information, its
methods of capture, organization, classification, qualification, analysis, management, display and
dissemination, as well as the infrastructure necessary for the optimal use of this information." [Ref: Groot R.;
Geomatics: A Key to Country Development?", ITC Journal 1987-4, pp. 277-
283, and Groot, R., Education and Training in Geomatics in Canada -
A Discussion Paper May 1991]
In findet man die folgenden Definitionen:
- „Geomatics is a field of activities which, using a systemic approach, integrates all the means used to acquire
and manage spatial data required as part of scientific, administrative, legal and technical operations
involved in the process of the production and management of spatial information“. [Canadian Institute of
Geomatics in their quarterly journal "Geomatica"]
- „The definition of geomatics is evolving. A working definition might be "the art, science and technologies
related to the management of geographically-
referenced information." Geomatics includes a wide range of
activities, from the acquisition and analysis of site-
specific spatial data in engineering and development
surveys to the application of GIS and remote sensing technologies in environmental management. It includes
cadastral surveying, hydrographic surveying, and ocean mapping, and it plays an important role in land
administration and land use management.“ [from UNB]
- „Geomatics is the modern scientific term referring to the integrated approach of measurement, analysis,
management, storage and display of the descriptions and location of Earth-
based data, often termed spatial
data. These data come from many sources, including earth orbiting satellites, air and sea-
borne sensors and ground based instruments. It is processed and manipulated with state-of-
the- art information technology using
computer software and hardware. It has applications in all disciplines which depend on spatial data,
including environmental studies, planning, engineering, navigation, geology and geophysics, oceanography,
land development and land ownership and tourism. It is thus fundamental to all the geoscience disciplines
which use spatially related data." [from the School of Geomatic Engineering, Univ. of New South Wales]
- „Geomatics is concerned with the measurement, representation, analysis, management, retrieval and display of
spatial data concerning both the Earths physical features and the built environment. The principal disciplines
embraced by Geomatics include the mapping sciences, land management, geographic information systems,
environmental visualisation, geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing and surveying.“ [from the Dept. of
Geomatics at Univ. of Melbourne]
- „Geomatics comprises the science, engineering, and art involved in collecting and managing geographically-
referenced information. Geographical information plays an important role in activities such as environmental
monitoring, management of land and marine resources, and real estate transactions.“ [from the Dept. of
Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at UNB]
- „The science of Geomatics is concerned with the measurement, representation, analysis, management, retrieval
and display of spatial information describing both the Earth's physical, features and the built environment.
Geomatics includes disciplines such as: Surveying, Geodesy, Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry,
Cartography, Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems.“ [from the Dept. of Surveying and
Spatial Information Science at the Univ. of Tasmania
Weitere Definitionen:
- „It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people, but it is generally accepted as the science and
technology of acquiring and managing information about our world and its environment. The name geomatics
emerged several years ago in Canada. The term represents the rapidly changing and expanding world of land
information management, which consists of measuring, mapping, geodesy, satellite positioning,
photogrammetry, computer systems, remote sensing, information systems, environmental visualisation and
computer graphics. Land information management also includes the various stages of data acquisition,
manipulation, display and management. As you can see it takes a lot of words to explain what it is all about,
hence the word geomatics. The word has been adopted by several international bodies including the
International Standards Organisation (ISO), so it is here to stay. The bit of geomatics that this Plane
Surveying subject is particularly concerned with is the measurement component, also known as surveying.“
[University of Melbourne]
- „discipline concerned with the collection, distribution, storage, analysis, processing, and presentation of
geographic data or geographic information.“ [ISO/TC 211/WG1/N085, Definition of some common terms in
ISO/TC 211, agreement Reston, USA 1996-10- 07- - 11]